Thursday, June 20, 2013

Troy and onto the Champlain Canal

We left Catskill on a foggy morning and headed up to Troy.  We overnighted on the west bank across from the city at the "Forever Young Health Club Dock".

Next morning we continued up river to where one has to decide whether to head west on the Erie portion of the NY State Canal system or continue north onto the Champlain Canal.

The first lock we had to go through was the "Federal Lock".  This is separate from New York's system.  It was the first lock we have encountered in our boating lives and helped us with how to handle Carol Anne.  Since there is a lot of physical effort to keep the boat against the canal's wall, we decided to switch roles and have Loretta helm (steer) the boat, while Bob put a line around the pole, cable or hold onto a rope.

We continued northward to the canal pool in Mechanicville, NY

Total miles traveled to date: 179

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